Emotional Intelligence And The Identification Of Irrational Fallacies

Without recognizing emotions, it is impossible to discuss communication. Anger can ruin a person’s time, but calmness helps them solve their personal problems. Emotional intelligent is crucial for success in the workplace and at home. It’s also important in managing conflict and building relationships. How well a human is able to understand and manage their emotions will show how sensitive they are to others’ feelings. (Adler & Proctor 124) The work is about how to minimize debilitating feelings in a situation where emotions are triggered. This work also identifies and disputes the irrational fallsacies of managing emotions.

Debilitating emotional states can interfere with an individual’s performance and should therefore be managed using guidelines. I would use some of these steps to minimize debilitating emotion to help me solve a problem where my roommate trips over the computer cord before I have a chance to save what I was working on. I would first try to monitor how my emotions are reacting. Because I can tell when I’m feeling emotional, I will use this unique ability to make decisions that are critical and avoid overreacting. In this situation, I will also be able to distinguish between talking and acting. If my roommate falls on my computer I would avoid mentioning my emotions at that moment. By avoiding excessive talking, I can avoid saying unnecessary things when I am angry. To avoid a clash with your roommate, you need to act wisely. It would be easier to understand why I’m upset about the roommate if I recognized that I was upset. It may be counterproductive to pretend that there is nothing wrong. To that end, I would express my emotions to the roommate whose actions have hurt me.

Expanding your emotional vocabulary will also help you to manage your feelings. My emotional vocabulary will help me to express my feelings without hiding them. Watching my vocabulary will help me avoid emotional counterfeit statements. I wouldn’t hesitate to tell my roommate how I feel so that he can understand what my emotions are about.

It is important to me that I consider the best time and place to express myself. Many times, speaking out in the midst of a strong emotion can be a mistake. The roommate who tripped on my laptop may have caused me to speak words I later regret. Determining how to express myself in a way I can be understood is what I will do. According to textbooks, it is best to wait until you feel tired about a particular issue before expressing your feeling. One may also choose not to express their feelings, especially if they feel that the person is arrogant. (Adler & Proctor 144)

I would also re-evaluate my irrational thoughts when my roommate is injured. In expressing my thoughts, I will try to use language that is not vulgar. The best way to solve this language problem is by making sure my language reflects how I feel. Instead of saying “you drive me crazy,” I might say “I am offended by what you do.”

Last but not least, I’d be aware of the event that triggered it. For me to reduce the debilitating feelings, I would use a lot more moderation depending on how the communication is conducted. Aristotle believed that moderation can also be defined as expressing emotions in a way that is appropriate for the situation. (Adler, Proctor 132) In this case, I’d make sure to choose the right moment when my roommate drops my laptop.

The fallacy that perfection is a reality can be a debilitating emotion. Accepting the fallacy requires people to be confident and skilled in every situation. It is not a good idea to accept the notion that you are likely to be an excellent communicator. This fallacy can make a person believe that they will not be appreciated unless they do something perfectly. This myth can cause one’s self-esteem to be affected, especially if they are not well liked by others.

Irrational approval thinking is based on the idea that you must get approval from everyone. The fallacy has a negative effect on people because it causes them to travel long distances when seeking approval. This fallacy can cause anxiety and embarrassment in people with heart conditions. It is an irrational fallacy because it implies that you will only be liked by others if you please them.

The fallacy is a result of the inability of defining what is good and bad. This fallacy can lead to irrational complaints by those who follow this reasoning. Irrational thinking leads to believers confusing preferences with shoulds. The fallacy overgeneralization makes us believe on limited evidence while exaggerating shortcomings. This fallacy has been questioned since it allows people to only focus on certain types of weaknesses and overlook other challenges. (Adler & Proctor 140).

The fallacy of cause and effect states that emotions come from the mistakes of others, not oneself. This fallacy is a common one, but it can be challenged on the grounds that it creates fear in communication because communicators do not want to cause trouble. The fallacy is that the forces of life determine our satisfaction. This fallacy is based on the idea that we are powerless to achieve success in our lives. One can do anything if they want.

Lastly, the fallacy suggests that communicators will undoubtedly be able to predict something bad if it is possible. The more we focus on bad things, the more likely they are to happen. We may be able to influence the outcome of events we expect.

The intensity of our emotions is different. The communicator should not express their emotions in full. We should instead learn how to express and define emotions in a way that is appropriate. We should monitor our emotions, pay attention to the events, be mindful of what we say, and reconsider our irrational thoughts in order to minimize debilitating feelings.


  • jamielane

    Jamie Lane is a 31-year-old blogger and traveler who loves to share his educational experiences with others. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and has been traveling the world ever since. Jamie is always looking for new and interesting ways to learn, and he loves to share her findings with others.

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