How Social Relationships Play A Role In Academic Motivation

This literature review highlights a number of research results that support academic motivation. Academic motivation can be defined as the desire to continue learning while remaining persistent. Social relationships can affect academic motivation. Social relationships can be classified under the categories of family, friendships, or intimate relationships. If students lack support from their families, engage in risky behaviours due to peer group selection, or if teachers don’t demonstrate self-efficacy, they are less motivated in academics. These points can be supported by various peer-reviewed journals. See the work below.

As we age, school becomes more like a daily chore than a pleasure. Academic motivation refers to a student’s desire to learn and remain persistent. But is every student always motivated? What causes a student’s motivation in school settings? A lot of research has revealed that these factors affect academic motivation in students: family support, self-efficacy of teachers, and their ability to sort into peer group. The teacher’s confidence and ability to teach is what defines a teacher’s selfefficacy. Students are less motivated if teachers don’t welcome them into their classrooms or create a welcoming environment. A child’s childhood years are spent most with their parents. It is important for parents to teach academics during this period. Some parents strongly believe in education, based on their culture and upbringing. Unfortunately, many parents don’t have the right upbringing and are not able to raise their children as such. If a child is born to divorced, widowed, abusive or other broken parents, their school performance will be affected. Moving from middle school to highschool is the time when you have to find yourself. Teenagers try new things, make new friends, and pretend to be other people. Peer groups can make it difficult to be academically motivated. One may feel more connected to school if they have “friends” who are “cool”. However, this can lead to them engaging in illegal and/or drug-related activities. These actions can have a negative impact on a student’s physical and mental health. It could also affect their ability to be involved in illegal activities or drugs. Children spend the majority of their time with parents until their teens. Their children’s educational outlook is influenced most by their parents. A 1994 study found that children who have parents who actively participate in their education are more motivated and attain higher grades. Many factors can impact children’s home life, including their cultural beliefs and parental involvement. This is how parents can instill good values in their children. If academic motivation is valued by a parent, they will often ask their child about their school performance, their grades, and punish or reward them for failing to achieve certain grades. These parents will communicate their expectations to children as young as possible. Next is the impact of cultural factors on families. There are many cultures that Americans can encounter when they live here. Dornbusch, in 1987’s research, found that Asian students had higher success rates due to their parents being stricter than Caucasian. As well, Asian immigrants (as well as Asian Americans) tend to spend more time studying and doing homework voluntarily. Caucasian parents were more involved in their students’ lives than Caucasian parents. Because of their English proficiency, Caucasian parents were more likely to volunteer for school activities and sports. They also attended parent meetings. A further aspect of American culture is its high level of immigrant citizens, many of whom were born or brought here young. Many immigrants arrive in America looking for freedom and starting from scratch. The parents of these immigrants make many sacrifices for their families, and their children feel they should return the favor by succeeding in school. It is likely that students will not succeed in academics if they don’t have the support of their families or a strong academic background.

A person’s belief that they can achieve a desired outcome is self-efficacy. A person’s ability to work hard and have the energy to finish a task will impact their overall product. Confidence in one’s knowledge and the skills they teach others is a sign of confidence. Tschannen 2001 studied the effect of teachers on students’ performance. They found that teachers are more motivating if they praise their students’ achievements and encourage them to learn. In an investigation, researchers examined the effect of self-efficacy on the educational environment. Tayyaba Shahzadi et. Al (2011) looked at the impact of gender, age and race on professional qualifications. Studies showed that female teachers had higher self-efficacy and were more likely to achieve their desired results than male teachers. Studies also revealed that teachers from remote areas were not as loved or praised than teachers from urban areas. But, race and age didn’t have any impact on teacher self-efficacy. Another factor that influences academic motivation is the ability of teachers to make their classroom a comfortable and inviting environment. Students who feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or boring in their classrooms are less likely to be motivated to learn. Practical experience and hands-on learning are the best ways for students to learn. Engaged students will respond better to teachers who are involved in their learning and try to bring it to the next level. It’s easy to see the difference. Would you rather read textbooks and take notes than have open discussions and be able to relate material to real life?

Social relationships include more than just romantic and family relationships. They also include friendships. As they age, teens spend more time with their friends than with their families. This age marks the beginning of their journey to discovering who and what they are. These students are known to experiment and make rash choices. They then form peer groups. They surround themselves with peers who will make them feel safe and secure. Teens will often do whatever it takes to be accepted by peers. All of these actions can impact the mental and physical health of a student, which can also impact their performance at school. Manyu Li, Jeewon Choong, Irene Hanson Frieze and Timothy J. Nokes Malach conducted research. Our data showed that male college students with good social relationships may have higher academic motivation. However, they might develop lower academic motivations from more frequent alcohol consumption. According to previous research, alcohol consumption did not have a negative effect on women’s academic motivations. A university is the most important stage of a student’s life. They are required to be independent, social, and able to think critically. These skills will be invaluable for their entire lives. These skills can only be learned if students are motivated. Students often socialize to make friends. Students often go to bars and clubs to socialize, but this can lead to drinking. This makes students feel more connected and feels like they belong. However, being a part of something doesn’t necessarily mean you will do your best work.

One of America’s greatest privileges is free education. This includes primary and high school. Many of the young people in our country don’t realize that many students their age are not able to go to school, or learn basic skills like reading and writing. Academic motivation refers to the ability and willingness to learn, persevere, and be enthusiastic. This academic motivation can fluctuate through our schooling, from elementary to high school. Research shows that there are three major factors that can hinder academic motivation: teacher self-efficacy and parental guidance. According to sources, academic motivation depends on your social relationships. The relationship between parents and children was the first topic. It’s not as simple to make a child unhappy for failing grades. If a parent doesn’t believe in high academic expectations, it is impossible to instill them. Motivation is also influenced by the culture they live in. Education is often praised in some cultures and held to a higher standard. But education is not valued in others. One factor that could influence this is whether or not a family is in disarray, with one parent possibly dying, or if the parents are divorcing. Next, we will discuss the self-efficacy of teachers. Self-efficacy can be defined as a person’s ability to take responsibility for their actions and work. It has been shown that students can feel disengaged from their studies if they don’t feel valued by their teacher. Teachers should create a welcoming and safe environment. Students feel safe, loved, and at ease in the classroom. This will help them to have a positive mindset. Finally, students’ academic motivation is greatly affected by their peer group and choices of friends. Every school, no matter how big or small, can be intimidating. Our tendency to seek out our “tribe” can lead to us being influenced by the people we choose. There are many friendships that are good, and some are even better. It is equally important to make the right choices about people and their actions. Your academic performance, well-being, and personal motivation will all be improved if you are able to motivate yourself and others.


  • jamielane

    Jamie Lane is a 31-year-old blogger and traveler who loves to share his educational experiences with others. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and has been traveling the world ever since. Jamie is always looking for new and interesting ways to learn, and he loves to share her findings with others.

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