Research Paper On Vegetarian Diet For Adults

Table of Contents

This is an opening statement.

Nutrition Needs

In conclusion,


Introducing the topic

Vegetarians include people who refrain from eating meat, whether for religious or moral reasons. MedlinePlus (the United States Government) defines Vegetarian as a lifestyle that excludes all meat, poultry and fish. A diet that is mostly made of plant-based foods. Vegetables, whole grains and nuts are usually included. This diet is devoid of animal proteins. A vegetarian diet has been promoted by many organizations to combat obesity and cardiovascular disease. World Health Organization states that a vegetarian diet is a great way to prevent malnutrition. Vegetarianism is not new, but its popularity has exploded in the last few years. In 2014, there were 375 million vegetarians worldwide. The purpose of this research is to explain the nutritional needs of vegetarians, the benefits that vegetarianism brings in terms health and environment and finally the drawbacks. In the final discussion, we’ll summarize whether vegetarian diets are healthy or unhealthy.

Nutrition NeedsAccordingly to the WHO the macro-and micronutrients requirements for adults include “proteins, energy and vitamins A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, K and E. Also, they require thiamine, biotin folate, niacin niacin niacin niacin niacin niacin niacinic acid pantothenic, zinc selenium, iron and biotin. Organizations have different guidelines on healthy eating. WHO suggests consuming a minimum 400 grams fruit and vegetables. They also recommend consuming 50 grams sugar. Fats should not make up more than 30% daily calories. National Health Service of the United Kingdom, (NHS), also suggests that a minimum of 400 grams of fruit and vegetables, 50 grams of sugar and less than 70% of daily calories should be fat. To maintain a normal weight, an NHS expert suggests that men need around 2500 calories and women about 2000. Every person has different dietary needs, which depend on their age and lifestyle.

NHS says that for optimal health, a BMI from 18.5 to 24.9% is the ideal range. Diets high in fiber, low in calories and vegetarian can help you maintain your weight. As a result, vegetarianism has a number of health advantages. According to one study, the Body Mass Index for vegetarians is 22 whereas that of meat eaters is 25. Vegetarians also have a lower mortality rate than omnivores. Vegetarians with normal BMI rates reduce the risk of health problems such as type 2 Diabetes, Asthma, Depression, Stomach Cancer, Obesity, etc. The public can maintain a healthier weight by becoming vegetarian. This is because transfat-free food is consumed less. Many studies and technological advances have shown that a vegetarian diet is healthier than a diet rich in meat or animal products.

The vegetarian diet is now considered to be lacking in certain nutrients. This includes iron, zinc (zinc), calcium, vitamin C, B12, A, n-3, iodine, and vitamin B12. A vegetarian diet is beneficial because it lowers the intake of saturated fats, cholesterol and animal protein. It also increases intake of complex carbohydrate, vitamin C, E, and phytochemicals. Kalof et al. conducted a survey. The survey was conducted by Kalof et al. Vegetarian diets prevent cruelty to animals in the farm. Second, a vegetarian lifestyle helps increase the availability of food and reduces hunger worldwide. Thirdly, vegetarians diets are better for the environment because they do not include animal products. A vegetarian diet is healthier than one that contains red meat. The first three benefits were strongly agreed upon by 45%, while the fourth was endorsed by 55%. Moreover, being a vegan has obvious benefits not only for you but also for your environment. Animals.

Many vegetarians turn vegetarian for moral reasons. They believe that it is a good thing to do. It helps animals avoid being killed. Vegetarians view it as an important contribution to animal welfare and the environment. Rescue animals from inhumane slaughterhouse conditions will stop animal abuse or violence. Vegetarianism will save an animal’s life and give humans the satisfaction of not taking animal life to fill their bodies. Scientists have shown that vegetarianism is superior to other diets in treating and preventing certain diseases. These include cardiovascular disease (CVD), hypertension, diabetes and cancer. Vegetarians may lack some essential nutrients. Vitamin B-12 plays a crucial role in the body.

Vitamin B-12 supports the central nervous and metabolic systems. Vitamin B-12 absorption is lower in vegetarians than in those who eat a normal diet. This is because Vitamin B-12 can be found in animal products, such as milk, eggs, and meat. Eventually, vegetarians without Vitamin B-12 can experience weakness, fatigue and constipation. Moreover, damage from a lack in Vitamin B-12 can’t be reversed. Vegetarians can also be deficient in certain nutrients like Iron, Calcium, Vitamin D etc. Anemia is another disease that can affect vegetarians. Vegetarians face a higher rate of Iron-deficient Anemia due to the difficulty in absorbing iron from plants. Non-Heme Iron in plants is different than Heme Iron in animals. Non-Heme Iron is converted by the body before it can be absorbed. Heme Iron has a higher absorption rate than Non Heme Iron. However, Heme Iron tends to be present in meat. It means that the vegetarian will need to consume more Non Heme Iron to satisfy daily vitamin-mineral requirements. To maintain a balanced diet, the vegetarian needs to consume a few more times as much food than he would normally eat.

Conclusion Vegetarian food is healthier than non-vegetarian foods. This diet prevents heart disease and other diseases. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. A 2003 study on 38000 vegetarians found that the BMI was much lower than for meat eaters. Some authors have highlighted that being a vegetarian can be beneficial to your health and to the environment. However, some authors also point out the negative effects of vegetarianism. Elmadfa (2005)’s ideas seem to be more convincing in favor of vegetarianism. Vegetarianism is a healthy lifestyle that helps reduce the risks of heart disease and other diseases. It is hoped that people adopt a vegan diet and understand its benefits.


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  • jamielane

    Jamie Lane is a 31-year-old blogger and traveler who loves to share his educational experiences with others. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and has been traveling the world ever since. Jamie is always looking for new and interesting ways to learn, and he loves to share her findings with others.

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