Cultural Competence And Community Engagement In George Washington Carver’s Era

When I studied George Washington Carver’s life, I noticed certain things that I myself had gone through. Missouri State University has three missions in public affairs: ethical leadership and cultural competence. George demonstrated cultural competency in his early childhood by attending school. When Mr.Carver taught at Tuskegee University, he demonstrated his leadership abilities. Mr. Carver’s community involvement was demonstrated by his efforts to improve the world around him.

Mr. Carver had a long journey to make to get to a black-only school to complete his education. It is similar to me, as I traveled to Springfield to get an education to better myself and reach higher levels. George had the same problem as me. He was refused admission to a college based on his color. George tried to spread the word about racial equity in his last days. He couldn’t go to college so he had to attend a farm. His rejection from the school showed that at the time, they did not have an open mind about cultural competence.

If you ever hear someone talk about leadership that is ethical, I’m hoping that Mr. Carver. It is hard to imagine a better leader than him. I want to be just like him. As soon as he stepped foot in Tuskegee’s scene, he began to change it. He was awarded for his Agriculture Department within the first year of being there. He made some groundbreaking discoveries, and people wanted to replicate his work with new ingredients.

George was only alive for a few years, yet he used his fame to help those around him. Carver became an icon to blacks after he established a scholarship. George also used fame to promote scientific advancements in order to benefit the entire world. George Washington Carver also helped his community by establishing the George Washington Carver Foundation, which would secure the future for Agriculture. He showed community involvement in a variety of ways, and on a larger scale than many.

George Carver’s achievements in public affairs are not limited to these snippets. He was around people who were not culturally adept. A second reason is to become a leader who you would like to follow. Last, but not least was being active in the local community. He demonstrated Missouri State’s public affairs statement in these ways.


  • jamielane

    Jamie Lane is a 31-year-old blogger and traveler who loves to share his educational experiences with others. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and has been traveling the world ever since. Jamie is always looking for new and interesting ways to learn, and he loves to share her findings with others.

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