Parenting Style And Its Influence On Child Development

Table of Contents

Different types of parenting

The impact of parenting style

In summary

Parenting can be divided up into several parenting styles. The models were mainly used by psychologists in recent years and are based entirely on Diana Baumrind’s work, a development psychologist at University of California at Berkeley during the 1960s. Maccoby Martin, who refined the model during the 1980s, also made a contribution.

Types of ParentingAuthoritative

This parenting style is characterized by a nurturing, supportive and responsive relationship between parents and children, with limits set for the children. In this parenting style, parents explain rules to their kids, discuss them, and use reasoning. Children’s viewpoints are heard but not always received. Children raised with this style tend to be friendly, energetic, cheerful, self-reliant, self-controlled, curious, cooperative and achievement-oriented.Permissive

The parents are relaxed and warm. The parents do not set clear limits or monitor the children’s behaviour. This parenting style can lead to children who are impulsive and rebellious. They may also be aggressive, domineering and aimless. Unconnected

This parenting style is characterized by parents who are indifferent, unresponsive and dismissive. These children have a low level of self-confidence. The Evenly-Weighted Style

Balanced parenting is seen as the best because it is a good balance between separateness and togetherness in brotherly love, and stability versus alternation when it comes to flexibility. The balance style is moderately to highly flexible and close. The range of parenting styles is much larger for Balanced style, which acknowledges the diversity of great ways parents can bring up their kids. Warm and nurturing parents are the hallmark of the Balanced parenting fashion. They are attentive to their child’s needs and encourage independence, while monitoring. They are also consistent in their discipline and hold age-appropriate expectations. The Overbearing Parenting Style

The Overbearing parental style has a high level of closeness, and is flexible. Overbearing parenting involves overly defensive parents that cater to their children’s every need. They act more as a friend and are strict in enforcing rules and discipline. The Effect of Parenting styleDevelopmental psychology has long been interested in the impact parents have on their children’s development. But it is extremely difficult to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between certain movements made by parents and children. Some children raised in very different environments may grow up to be remarkably alike. In the opposite situation, teens who grow up in a shared home with a common environment may develop personalities that are very different. Researchers believe that parenting styles can have an impact on the children. These results are endorsed by some, and they can even affect adult behavior. Parenting style can be affected by adolescent behaviors. When a child breaks the curfew set by his parents, they will both take steps to correct this. Parents’ parenting styles are influenced greatly by their child’s behaviour. A child who is cooperative and motivated by his parents will be more likely to adopt a parenting style that is authoritative. A teen who is unhelpful and uncaring, or immature, may also have a more authoritarian parenting style. The parenting style is influenced by the toddler’s overall mentality. The parents are known to alter their parenting styles over time. Some parents are less flexible with younger children and more rigid with older ones. Hence, as time passes, as lifestyles and environments change, so do the parenting styles of parents. ConclusionOverall, each of the parenting styles listed above has a certain influence on the behavior of children. Children can suffer from inconsistency when it comes to the parenting style of their parents. It is not possible to have the perfect parenting pattern. It’s a lifelong journey of mistakes and trials. It must be adapted to changing circumstances and new situations. There are no 100% results. The results are never 100 percent. What may work with a toddler in the home, might not be successful for another child. Even siblings can have unique behaviors and habits. We are influenced by the situations we face over time. These things affect us both consciously as well as subconsciously. Parenting is a term that refers to our upbringing, where and when. All of these elements are essential to parenting. Parents must be in constant communication with their children to understand their behavior and attitudes and change their parenting styles accordingly. It is not advisable to adopt a rigid parenting style.


  • jamielane

    Jamie Lane is a 31-year-old blogger and traveler who loves to share his educational experiences with others. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and has been traveling the world ever since. Jamie is always looking for new and interesting ways to learn, and he loves to share her findings with others.

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